Welcome at living Aroha animal physiotherapy, as licensed physiotherapist and animal physiotherapist I am specialized in treating dogs, horses and people. Just like ourselves our companions can need physiotherapy to improve their movement abilities and get them active and healthy again.
When I started out as a horse riding and groundwork instructor, my goal was to improve the communication and harmony between horse and rider. Thereby focusing mainly on improving the mental welfare of the horse. But since mental and physical welfare are like two sides of a coin I wanted to be able to work more on the physical as well. For me this was a good reason to start my physiotherapy education.
After four years of studying physiotherapy I could continue with animal physiotherapy which focusses mainly on dogs and horses but since I have worked with many animals feel free to contact me for your cat, cow or any other animal aswell.
The nice thing about having trained as (human) physiotherapist as well as animal physiotherapist is that I can help both horse and rider in their performance. Not seldom stiffnes or asymmatry in the rider creates a similar problem for the horse.