This is Hugo a lovely one year old cane corso.

In juli he made an unfortunate misstep in which he overstretcht his hind leg. The veterinarians couldn’t find what was wrong but he continued to limp for weeks efter. In September I had the pleasure to meet this lovely guy to see if I could help him. Efter a thorough examination I found that his left hip extension was limited and painful. Furthermore had his hind muscles on the left side decreased.
Treatment consisted of limited walks on the leash and specific exercises to train muscle strength and stability around the hips. His motivated owners trained this with him and in just a few weeks, he improved a lot. In the second appointment we builded upp the exercises a bit more and I treated him with a massage for the back and hind muscles. Earlier this month I had the last appointment with Hugo because he is doing great and doesn’t have any limitations or symptoms anymore.
Comments of his owner:
”Hugo feels brilliant and loves to jump around. Today we took some pictures on our daily forest tour of about one hour. He injured his left leg in spring and was really suffering. It was almost impossible for him to walk a short path. ”Djurdoctors” were not helpful, as we told you.
Then we visited you and admired your professional way of acting. Hugo felt comfortable from the first moment so that you could examin him without problems – and above all, without any anaesthesia. Your analysis and tips for treatment were great and successful.
Thank you again and enjoy the pictures of the vivid result of your work!”